Our nation stands on the precipice of a significant, defining moment. The choice on the ballot is between remaining a democratically elected republic and becoming some socialist hybrid of Canada and Europe. In order to save the Republic, we must get very serious in September. My world view requires that I parse all decisions through the lenses of God, family, and country. So, this September, what would God say about these two candidates and what do they say about God?
Trump: He says that God saved his life when a would-be-assasin’s bullet pierced his ear. Not sure what God would say about Trump. He is an imperfect human, but he has acknowledged Divine Providence.
Harris: Nothing. She has said nothing about God. Ever. Not sure what God would say about Harris. Silence is not encouraging.
What about family?
Trump is twice divorced, married to wife number three for a couple of decades and he has children by three women, all of whom he married. Not exactly Biblical. However, it is important to note that all 5 of his children appear to adore him, are college educated, and are thriving in their own families and careers. He is also a doting grandfather whose eldest grandchild spoke of his presence and positive influence in her life and her golf game. Impressive for a billionaire running an empire who also ran a country for 4 years.
Harris was a very public mistress and she married an adulterer who impregnated his child’s nanny. That child, apparently, calls her “mamala” and…that is all.
As for the country, Trump sees the USA as the greatest country on earth. On his watch the border was closed, employment was full, and inflation was low. The stock market flourished, the country was energy independent, and there was peace.
Under the Biden/Harris administration, DEI has decried the inherent racism of the US. The border is wide open, employment is constantly being redefined, and inflation has dropped to 3%... which is double what it was under Trump. The stock market has held steady-ish, energy costs have skyrocketed as we depend on the middle east since the “day one” drilling stoppage, and at least two new wars have followed a disastrous departure from Afghanistan.
On the surface, it would appear Trump is the better candidate for God, family, and country. If only he could articulate these facts!